Weed Control Service In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Get a Quote Call (717) 675-0101

We offer weed control treatments in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, and nearby areas in Pennsylvania.

Our weed control treatments are effective against chickweed, dandelions, clover, ground ivy, and more!

One of the most important aspects of lawn care is effective weed control. Here at Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we provide our weed control service to get rid of pesky weeds stealing nutrients from your turf. This service involves regular visits from early spring to late fall to administer post-emergent weed control treatments to your lawn. This service also includes lawn fertilization treatments and a grub control treatment to provide your lawn with essential nutrients and protect it from grubs. The post-emergent weed control we use can tackle common weeds like chickweed, dandelions, clover, ground ivy, and more.

Our team offers our weed control service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in and around Lititz, Lancaster, and Manheim, PA. Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to sign up!

Our Weed Control Treatment Schedule

Our weed control service follows a strict schedule that involves 7 treatments over the course of 5 visits from early spring to late fall to ensure your lawn is constantly receiving protective treatments against invasive weeds. This service also includes more than just weed control! When you sign up, your lawn will also receive multiple lawn fertilizer treatments during the growing season and a grub control application to ensure your turf is in its best health. Here is the schedule we follow for this service:

  • March to April: Your lawn will receive its first weed control treatment in early spring to get rid of weeds competing with your grass for nutrients while it is transitioning from being dormant to growing actively again. A lawn fertilizer treatment will also be applied to give your grass a boost for the new season.
  • April to May: The next weed control treatment in late spring will allow your grass to absorb the nutrients it needs to gear up for the summer without competing with weeds. Another fertilizer treatment will be administered to help with your lawn's summer prep.
  • June to July: Your lawn will be treated with weed control so pesky weeds don't bring down its health during the stressful summer season. A preventative grub control treatment will also be administered to keep grubs from ever becoming an issue.
  • September to October: We will apply another weed control treatment in early fall to eliminate any pesky weeds that have emerged in the summer. Your lawn will also receive a fertilizer treatment to aid in its summer recovery.
  • October to November: As the growing season ends, another round of weed control will be administered to get rid of any remaining weeds on your lawn. One last fertilizer treatment will also be administered to help your grass make it through the winter!

Our weed control service includes lawn fertilization and grub control treatments!

What weeds do our weed control treatments target?

Chickweed on a lawn in Lititz, PA.

Our team utilizes post-emergent broadleaf weed control treatments for our weed control service. This type of treatment will target existing weeds that are actively stealing nutrients from your lawn. The product we use is effective against the common weeds in our area, like chickweed, dandelions, clover, ground ivy, and more!

Our weed control treatments are pet-safe once they've had time to dry!

If you own a pet, we understand that their safety will come first during lawn care treatments. Fortunately, the weed control treatments that we will administer are safe for your pets once they are dry. While we're applying the treatment, we recommend that you keep your pets indoors so they don't come into contact with the product. However, once the treatment has dried, you can let your furry friends use your lawn like normal again!

Call us today to enroll in our weed control service!

It's not fun for your lawn to be invaded by weeds, which survive by taking away nutrients from your grass. We can help get rid of them with our weed control service! This service runs throughout the growing season and also includes lawn fertilizer treatments and a grub control treatment! Our team offers our weed control service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (717) 675-0101 to sign up!