Overseeding Service In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Get a Quote Call (717) 675-0101

Overseeding Service in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA & Surrounding Cities

We use tall fescue, perennial rye, and Kentucky bluegrass seeds for our overseeding service.

If you want to increase the density of your cool-season turf and fill in any bare or patchy areas with new grass growth, then our overseeding service is just what you need! At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer this service because it's an excellent way to bolster your lawn's health and make it stronger than ever. When performing this service, we will spread tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, or perennial ryegrass seeds across your entire lawn. We also apply a starter fertilizer after spreading the seeds to provide them with everything they need to successfully germinate and establish deep roots. While we offer this service independently, we highly recommend scheduling it with our core aeration service as doing so will yield the best results for your lawn.

We offer our overseeding service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (717) 675-0101 to schedule this service today!

What type of seeds do we use for our overseeding service?

A bunch of grass seeds in Lititz, PA.

At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we only use top-quality products to ensure we deliver exceptional results every time, and our overseeding service is no different. That's why we use tall fescue, perennial rye, and Kentucky bluegrass seeds for our overseeding service. These grass types thrive in the climate here in Pennsylvania because they are tolerant to cold temperatures and are resistant to drought and diseases. Once these seeds have been spread across your lawn, they will quickly begin growing into beautiful, healthy blades of grass!

We Apply a Starter Fertilizer After Overseeding to Provide the Seeds With Nutrients

When you sign up for our overseeding service, our goal is to ensure that they successfully germinate so that you get the most out of it. To help give them a boost, we will apply a starter fertilizer to your lawn after we have spread the seeds. This fertilizer treatment will supply the seeds with the nutrients they need to germinate successfully and develop deep, strong roots!

Pair our overseeding service with core aeration for even better results!

While our overseeding service alone will go a long way toward improving the health and appearance of your lawn, pairing it with our core aeration service provides even better results! Core aeration is a highly beneficial service that involves removing small cores of soil from your lawn to loosen compaction and create passageways that allow vital resources like water, oxygen, sunlight, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. While performing this service, we also create tiny holes in your lawn that act as perfect spots for seeds to fall into, giving them excellent seed-to-soil contact and greatly increasing their chances of successfully germinating. So, if you really want to get the most out of your lawn, we recommend scheduling both our overseeding and aeration services together!

We recommend scheduling our aeration service on a yearly basis!

Give us a call today to sign up for our overseeding service!

If you're looking to increase the density of your lawn and fill in any bare or patchy areas with new growth, look no further than our overseeding service! We use premium, cool-season grass seeds to give you a durable yet beautiful lawn. We also apply a starter fertilizer after overseeding to give the seeds a boost!

We proudly serve homeowners and business owners, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, and throughout the surrounding communities in Pennsylvania. Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to schedule our overseeding service!