Lawn Fertilization Service In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Get a Quote Call (717) 675-0101

Lawn Fertilization Treatments in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA & Surrounding Communities

We offer our lawn fertilization service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs.

If you want your lawn to reach its full potential, you've come to the right place. At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer a lawn fertilization service that includes multiple visits from spring to fall to administer granular fertilizer treatments to provide consistent nourishment for your grass. This service also includes weed control treatments and a grub control treatment to protect your turf from invasive weeds and harmful grubs. The fertilizer treatments we use are safe for your pets once they have had time to dry!

We offer our lawn fertilization service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and surrounding areas. Give our team a call today at (717) 675-0101 to sign up!

Our Lawn Fertilization Treatment Schedule

A healthy lawn that has recently been fertilized.

When you sign up for our lawn fertilization service, we will fertilize your lawn throughout the growing season to ensure that it receives the nutrients that it needs to grow strong and vibrant. What's more, this program also includes weed control treatments and a grub control treatment. Here is the schedule we follow for our lawn fertilization service:

  • March to April: Our first visit of the year includes an early spring fertilization treatment. This treatment will give your grass a boost as it fully emerges from being dormant and begins to grow actively again. We will also apply a weed control treatment during this visit.
  • April to May: In late spring, your lawn will receive another fertilizer treatment to bolster its health before the summer season begins, as well as another weed control treatment.
  • June to July: This visit involves a grub control treatment to prevent these root-feeding pests from destroying the roots of your lawn.
  • September to October: During early fall, your lawn will be treated with another round of fertilizer treatment that is chock full of nutrients to help it recover from the summer season. We will also spot-treat any weeds we see.
  • October to November: This treatment will replenish your lawn's nutrient supply so it has enough to feed off of during winter when it is dormant. We will also apply one last round of weed control.

Our lawn fertilization service also includes weed control treatments and a grub control treatment!

We use granular fertilizer treatments to give your lawn a steady supply of nutrients.

Your lawn needs a consistent supply of nutrients during the growing season to grow healthy and lush. Because of this, we use granular fertilizer treatments for our lawn fertilization service! This type of treatment slowly releases nutrients so your grass receives a steady and stable supply as it grows actively.

Our fertilizer treatments are pet-safe after they've dried!

At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we know how important your pets are to you, which is why we make sure to use treatments that are safe for them. We ask that you keep your pets indoors while we are applying our treatments so they don't come into contact with them. Then, you should wait until the treatments have had time to dry, usually 24 hours, before letting them back outside. Once the treatments are dry, you can let them out on your lawn again with no worries!

Call us today to enroll in our lawn fertilization service!

Your lawn requires a steady stream of nutrients during the growing season to thrive, and that's what we're here for. Our team at Woolley Bros Lawn Care offers our lawn fertilization service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and surrounding areas. Through regular visits and the use of high-quality products, you can be confident that your lawn will receive everything it needs to grow strong and lush. Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to enroll in our lawn fertilization service.