Core Aeration Service In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

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Core Aeration Service in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA & Surrounding Areas

You can schedule our core aeration service for your lawn in the fall!

One of the most important things when it comes to lawn care is ensuring your grass can easily absorb the nutrients being provided to it. That's where our core aeration service comes in! We perform double-pass core aeration, which means we'll go across your turf with our aerator machine twice to ensure soil compaction is effectively addressed. You can schedule this service in the fall from September to October because your grass will be at its strongest during this time and will be able to tolerate the process. To get the most out of this service, we recommend pairing it with our overseeding service to increase the density of your turf.

We offer our core aeration service to homes and businesses, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and throughout the surrounding communities in Pennsylvania. Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to sign up!

What does our core aeration process look like?

Soil plugs on a lawn in Lititz, PA, after core aeration service.

Our team will aerate your lawn via double-pass core aeration. This process involves going across your lawn with our core aerator machine twice to remove plugs of soil from the ground and loosen up densely compacted soil. By doing this, we create holes in your lawn that act as channels where nutrients, water, air, and sunlight can pass through to reach the roots of your grass.

When can you schedule our core aeration service?

You can schedule our core aeration service in the fall from September to October. Having cores of soil removed from your turf can put a slight strain on it, which is why it should be done when your lawn can tolerate and heal from the process. We aerate lawns in the fall because your lawn will be at its strongest during this time and will be able to endure the aeration process, plus have enough time to recover before winter arrives.

It's also highly recommended that you schedule core aeration for your lawn regularly to ensure it has consistently good access to essential nutrients. If your lawn is in great health, have your lawn aerated every other year. However, we urge that you schedule lawn aeration every year if your grass is struggling and needs a boost to improve its growth.

Pair Core Aeration With Our Overseeding Service

If your lawn has bare or thin patches, you can thicken it up by scheduling our overseeding service. This service involves spreading a mix of high-quality cool-season grass seeds on your lawn to introduce new growth and increase the density of your turf. It is best paired with our core aeration service because the holes we create during the aeration process serve as the perfect place for the grass seeds to fall into. These holes will provide them with ideal seed-to-soil contact so they can absorb the nutrients they need to germinate and flourish.

A fertilizer treatment will be administered after we overseed your lawn to help the seeds grow!

Give us a call today to sign up for our core aeration service!

Here at Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer our core aeration service to loosen compacted soil and help the roots of your grass access everything they need to grow healthy and strong. We offer this service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, PA, and surrounding communities like Lancaster and Manheim. Rejuvenate your lawn's health today by giving us a call at (717) 675-0101 to schedule our core aeration service.