Lawn Care Services In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Get a Quote Call (717) 675-0101

We Offer Lawn Care Services in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA & Nearby Areas

Our lawn care services include lawn fertilization, weed control, aeration, overseeding, lime treatments, and more.

If you want to keep your lawn healthy and looking its best throughout the year, then we are the company to call! At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer comprehensive lawn care services that are designed to nourish your turf, help it fight off various stressors, and keep it looking its best. Our lawn care services include lawn fertilization, weed control, aeration, overseeding, lime treatments, and more.

We provide our lawn care services to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and surrounding communities. Give us a call at (717) 675-0101 to schedule any of our services today!

Lawn Fertilization

Fertilizer granules on green grass in Lititz, PA.

Our lawn fertilization service includes multiple visits throughout the growing season, during which we apply fertilizer treatments packed with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These nutrients promote healthy grass growth and give it a vibrant green color.

We utilize slow-release granular fertilizer for our lawn fertilization program.

View Lawn Fertilization

Weed Control

Dandelions growing on patchy lawn in Lititz, PA.

Weeds steal vital nutrients from your grass and drag down your curb appeal, but we won't let them wreak havoc on your lawn for long! When you sign up for our weed control service, we will routinely visit your property to apply our effective weed control treatments, which target common weeds like chickweed, clover, dandelions, and more.

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Lawn Mowing

Freshly mowed grass on commercial lot in Lititz, PA.

Our team offers a comprehensive lawn mowing program that runs from March to November. During this time, we will visit your property every week to mow your lawn so that it stays looking nice and neat throughout the growing season. When our team mows, we adjust our mower deck height depending on your turf type to ensure it's cut to the perfect height. We also rotate our mowing pattern each visit to ensure we don't cause ruts or other damage to your lawn.

Our mowing service includes edging, string-trimming, and blowing debris off paved areas.

View Lawn Mowing

Lawn Disease Control

Lawn disease killing grass in Lititz, PA.

Fungal diseases are problematic for lawns in Pennsylvania because they can severely impact their health. Fortunately, we offer highly effective lawn disease control treatments to protect your turf from various infections like brown patch, red thread, snow mold, and fairy ring. We provide preventative treatments that can prevent these diseases from ever becoming a problem. We also offer curative treatments to stop existing fungal infections in their tracks.

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Lawn Insect Control

Two chinch bugs on lawn in Lititz, PA.

Lawn insects are one of the last things you want to see affecting your grass, but unfortunately, they're quite common here in Pennsylvania. Some of the most problematic pests include grubs, chinch bugs, and armyworms. If you notice any signs of an infestation on your lawn, it's crucial to schedule our lawn insect control service right away! We will apply highly effective curative treatments to eliminate the presence of these pests and prevent them from causing more damage. We also offer preventative lawn insect control treatments to help protect your turf from future infestations.

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Lawn in Lititz, PA, recently aerated.

Your soil compacts over time, hindering water, oxygen, and nutrient access to the roots of your grass. Luckily, this is where our core aeration service comes in handy. During this service, we will utilize an aerator machine to pull out small cores of soil from your lawn. This process creates tiny holes in your turf that serve as passageways for all those resources so they can reach their destination and ensure your grass gets everything it needs.

We perform aeration in the fall because this time of the year is when lawns in our area are best equipped to deal with the mild stress caused by the aeration process.

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Lime Treatments

A bunch of white lime granules.

Are you dealing with acidic soil conditions? If so, then our lime treatments are just what you need. We will come out to your property to evaluate the pH level of your soil, and if it is too acidic, we will apply our lime treatment. Our lime treatments work to balance the pH levels of your soil and turn it into a more favorable environment for your grass to thrive in.

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Landscape Bed Weed Control

Pristine landscape bed at a home in Lititz, PA.

Are weeds stealing nutrients from your plants and dragging down your landscape's curb appeal? Not anymore! With our landscape bed weed control service, we will routinely visit your property to spray our weed control treatments in your landscape beds.


Overseeding a patchy lawn in Lititz, PA.

Do you have bare spots on your lawn? If so, then you'll definitely want to take advantage of our overseeding service. When you do, we will spread seeds across your lawn to fill in any bare or patchy areas with new growth and increase the overall density of your lawn.

View Overseeding

Slice Seeding

Slice seeding on lawn in Lititz, PA.

If you want to establish a thick, dense lawn from scratch, then our slice seeding service is perfect for you. This service involves slicing small slits in your soil and planting seeds there. By doing this, we make it easier for the seeds to come into contact with the soil and begin the germination process.

New Lawn Seeding

New grass growing on property in Lititz, PA.

Are you interested in starting a getting a new lawn from scratch? If so, our new lawn seeding service is exactly what you need. We will follow a thorough process that involves grading your soil, removing debris, applying seeds, and covering them with straw. Before long, you'll have a beautiful new lawn!

Sod Installation

Roll of new turf for lawn in Lititz, PA.

Want to establish an instantly beautiful new lawn? Then our sod installation service is just what you need. Before installing the sod, we will prepare your soil by removing any existing vegetation and debris. Once your soil is ready, we will carefully lay down the sod and ensure it looks fantastic.

Call today to sign up for any of our lawn care services!

Taking proper care of your lawn requires consistent effort and dedication, and that's exactly what we are here to provide. At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer professional lawn care services to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and other surrounding areas. From providing your grass with much-needed nutrients to tackling pesky weeds and invasive insects, we've got you covered! Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to sign up for any of our lawn care services!