Plantings & Softscapes Service In Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, Ephrata, & Nearby Areas in Southeastern Pennsylvania

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Plantings & Softscapes Service in Lititz, PA & Surrounding Cities Like Lancaster & Manheim

Our team offers a variety of common perennials to choose from for your landscape beds.

If you want to enhance the beauty of your property, look no further than our plantings and softscapes service! At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer this service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and nearby areas. Whether you're looking to have brand-new landscape beds installed on your property or want to renovate your existing ones, we are the company to call. We also offer a wide range of common perennial plants that you can choose from including black-eyed Susans, daisies, and more. What's more, if you would like to see what your finished project will look like before installation begins, then you should take advantage of our 2D design rendering service. Call us today at (717) 675-0101 to schedule our plantings and softscapes service.

We can install new landscape beds and renovate existing ones.

Mulch landscape bed in Lititz, PA, with shrubs.

Everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to their landscaping. That's why we offer two options for our plantings and softscapes service - new installations and renovations. If you're starting from scratch, we can install beautiful new landscape beds on your property. On the other hand, if you already have landscape beds but want to give them a fresh look, we can do that too! No matter which option you choose, our experts will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your landscape beds turn out just how you envisioned them.

What kinds of common perennials can you add to your landscape beds?

When you sign up for our plantings and softscapes service, you'll be able to choose from a large selection of common perennial flowers to fill your landscape beds with. Perennials are plants that come back year after year, so by adding them to your landscape beds, you'll get to enjoy their beautiful blooms for a long time. Some of the most popular perennials that we often install include:

  • Milkweed
  • Daisies
  • Sunflowers
  • Black-Eyed Susans
  • Bluebells
  • Coneflowers
  • And More!
We install perennial flowers that will bloom year after year!

Take advantage of our 2D design renderings to see how your finished project will look ahead of time.

A 2D design for a commercial landscape in Lititz, PA.

One of the best ways to ensure that your landscape beds turn out exactly how you want them to is to take advantage of our 2D design renderings. These detailed drawings allow you to view your finished project ahead of time, allowing you to make any necessary changes before the project begins. This way, you can feel confident knowing that once we begin working on your project, we will follow the exact plan that you approved of, giving you peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Call Us Today To Schedule Our Plantings & Softscapes Service

Are you ready to take your property to the next level? If so, we're here to help! At Woolley Bros Lawn Care, we offer our professional plantings and softscapes service to homeowners, business owners, and HOAs in Lititz, Lancaster, Manheim, PA, and surrounding communities. Whether you're looking to have brand-new landscape beds installed or want to renovate your existing ones, we are the company to call. We also offer a wide range of common perennial flowers that you can choose from to bring some color to your landscape beds. Don't wait another minute - call us today at (717) 675-0101 to schedule our plantings and softscapes service!